This meditation script guides your audience through a mind-expanding meditation where they will see Sound as Colors!
"Submerged in Sacred Sound"
A simple mantra is used to submerge deeper into meditative bliss.
"Living the L.O.V.E."
This heart-opening meditation guides people into Living One Vibrational Energy.
"The Ocean Meditation"
All the senses are called upon in a guided visualization of the Ocean. An Ocean drum or soundtrack of ocean waves will enhance this meditative experience.
"Nothin' But Sound"
This meditation awakens creative consciousness and uses sound as inspiration.
In this meditation script, experience a true connection and expansion of the inner self by focusing on the circles of sound in this meditation. Effective breath-work is also a part of this unique script.
"Elements Meditation"
This meditation contemplates and celebrates the elements Air, Fire, Water, and Earth in a very special sacred sound concert.
"Deeper Sound Journey"
Lead your audience into receiving, breathing, listening, relaxing and connecting DEEPER with this meditation script! Sound is the vehicle to help them experience a deeper peace than ever before.
"Wisdom from the Bowls"
Set aside troubling thoughts for a moment and let the bowls remind you that when negative things come our way, we have a CHOICE.
This meditation uses the visualization of a springtime seed to help ease the mind through difficult transitions.
Experience more gratitude and abundance as this meditation leads you to appreciate your body, your special gifts, and the inner self.
"Crystal Chakra Clearing"
This interactive event helps people experience their chakras like never before: through sound, vibration, visualization, toning, and much more. $30
"Soul of Summer"
This meditation celebrates summertime and focuses on expanding colorful visions around the beauty of summer. $20
"Fall Equinox Celebration"
This meditation uses decorative paper leaves with a "Gift of Fall" written on each one for participants to meditate with and take home.
"Spring Equinox Celebration"
This meditation encourages visuals of springtime and painting with spring colors, as inspired by the sounds from the instruments.
"Un-Masking the True Self"
This meditation is especially good to use around Halloween! It uses breath work and visualization to access the road to the True Self.
"Silent Night"
During the hustle and bustle of the winter holidays, a musical meditation like this one will help guide the audience back to the silence, for restoration.
"Comfort and Joy"
This winter holiday meditation spotlights the quartz crystal singing bowls, but can be used with any combination of instruments.
"Gongs, Gifts, and Gratitude"
This winter holiday gong sound bath also offers each participant a small rose quartz as a gift that they can use in the meditation and take home.
"New Year Visioning"
This meditation celebrates a new year and offers inspiration for visioning with special questions for contemplation.
"Bowls Full of Springtime"
Perfect script to celebrate spring with a small group. You need to have a metal bowl for each person to experience the sound and vibrations firsthand. $20
"Singing Bowls for Seniors"
Gather a "senior" community and watch faces light up as they work with the bowls themselves and then experience a sacred sound concert. $30
"Relax and Renew"
Any age group will enjoy this interactive presentation that features opening circle clearing ritual, history and uses for bowls, sound and vibration experiential, and sound concert to connect mind, body and heart. $30
All sales are final. Due to the nature of this transaction, there are no refunds. Some sections of the meditation scripts and outlines are repeated in other scripts.